Modern Applied Quantum Mechanics —MAQM

This advanced course, Modern Applied Quantum Mechanics (MAQM), delivers a complete mathematical language  of Quantum Theory for graduate and post-graduate level electrical and computer engineering professionals. This course is recommended to scholar and industrial experts in fields pertaining microelectronics device designers and quantum computing fields.

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Benjamin Bunny is an early exploration of quantum reality by animator Randy Hamm and physicist Nick Herbert, a collaboration interrupted with the untimely death of Randy. This project began in 1983. Source Link>>

This clearly explained layman’s introduction to quantum physics is an accessible excursion into metaphysics and the meaning of reality. Herbert exposes the quantum world and the scientific and philosophical controversy about its interpretation.
— Google Books

In Memoriam For Sina Khorasani, PhD

Prof.~Sina Khorasani (RIP, 1975–2019) was a tenure track Associate Professor at Electrical School of Engineering at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, and with the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology. His area of specialty encompasses theoretical nonlinear quantum physics and operator algebra, quantum electronics, two-dimensional materials, and nanophotonics. Learn more on his personal page.

  • The interaction of two doomed stars has created this spectacular ring adorned with bright clumps of gas — a diamond necklace of cosmic proportions.

    Necklace NebulaNecklace Nebula

  • Roughly 25 000 years ago, one of the aging stars expanded and engulfed its smaller companion, creating something astronomers call a “common envelope”.

  • The smaller star continued to orbit inside its larger companion, increasing the bloated giant’s rotation rate until large parts of it spun outwards into space.

  • This escaping ring of debris formed the Necklace Nebula, with particularly dense clumps of gas forming the bright “diamonds” around the ring.